
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Minimarkas Present: FREA[K]UENSI #1

Minimarkas is a community, or a container for indie bands from Jogjakarta, which is the art capital city of Indonesia. Minimarkas consisting of 10 indie bands: Urban Vintage, Long Distance, Rescue, Bacout Area, Lolenlones, The Frankrover, Savior, Sister Morphin, Tripping Junkie, and Monstons. Based from our Facebook Page, this is how we describe what Minimarkas is:

Communal movement "mini; small-time" which is a form of cooperation and business with the humility of the two people who breathed audience loyalty and ten bands who are committed Jogja and share complementary to the business to work and the band did not fade even Jogja dispersed (not a "box" of the music genre or the "north" and "south" Jogja ...!!
(or in Indonesian)
Pergerakan komunal “mini; kecil-kecilan” yang merupakan bentuk kerjasama dan usaha dengan kerendahan hati dari dua orang penonton yang bernapaskan loyalitas dan sepuluh band Jogja yang berkomitmen saling melengkapi dan berbagi untuk menjadi pelaku usaha agar karya dan band Jogja tidak pudar bahkan bubar (Bukan sebuah “kotak” tentang genre musik ataupun tentang “utara” maupun “selatan” Jogja…!!

(Photos are in the next post)

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